Matching a PipelineRun

Matching a PipelineRun to a Git provider Event #

A PipelineRun can be matched to a Git provider event by using specific annotations in the PipelineRun metadata.

For example, when you have these as metadata in your PipelineRun:

  name: pipeline-pr-main
annotations: "[main]" "[pull_request]"

Pipelines-as-Code will match the PipelineRun pipeline-pr-main if the Git provider events target the branch main and it’s coming from a [pull_request]

Multiple target branches can be specified, separated by commas, e.g.: [main, release-nightly]

You can match on pull_request events as above, and you can also match PipelineRuns on push events to a repository.

For example, this will match the pipeline when there is a push to a commit in the main branch:

  name: pipeline-push-on-main
  annotations: "[refs/heads/main]" "[push]"

You can specify the full refs like refs/heads/main or the short ref like main. You can also specify globs, for example, refs/heads/* will match any target branch or refs/tags/1.* will match all the tags starting from 1..

A full example for a push of a tag:

name: pipeline-push-on-1.0-tags
annotations: "[refs/tags/1.0]" "[push]"

This will match the pipeline pipeline-push-on-1.0-tags when you push the 1.0 tags into your repository.

Matching annotations are currently required; otherwise, Pipelines-as-Code will not match your PipelineRun.

When multiple PipelineRuns match an event, it will run them in parallel and post the results to the provider as soon as the PipelineRun finishes.

Payload matching only occurs for events that Pipelines-as-Code supports, such as when a Pull Request is opened, updated, or when a branch receives a Push.

Matching a PipelineRun to Specific Path Changes #

Matching a PipelineRun to specific path changes via annotation is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not currently supported and might not be functionally complete. We do not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to an upcoming Pipelines-as-Code features, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

To trigger a PipelineRun based on specific path changes in an event, use the annotation

Multiple paths can be specified, separated by commas. The first glob matching the files changes in the PR will trigger the PipelineRun. If you want to match a file or path that has a comma, you can HTML escape it with the , HTML entity.

You still need to specify the event type and target branch. If you have a CEL expression the on-path-change annotation will be ignored.


  name: pipeline-docs-and-manual
  annotations: "[main]" "[pull_request]" "[docs/**.md, manual/**.rst]"

This configuration will match and trigger the PipelineRun named pipeline-docs-and-manual when a pull_request event targets the main branch and includes changes to files with a .md suffix in the docs directory (and its subdirectories) or files with a .rst suffix in the manual directory.

The patterns used are glob patterns, not regex. Here are some examples from the library used for matching.

The tkn pac CLI provides a handy globbing command to test the glob pattern matching:

tkn pac info globbing "[PATTERN]"

will match the files with [PATTERN] in the current directory.

Matching a PipelineRun by Ignoring Specific Path Changes #

Matching a PipelineRun to ignore specific path changes via annotation is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not currently supported and might not be functionally complete. We do not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to an upcoming Pipelines-as-Code features, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

Following the same principle as the on-path-change annotation, you can use the reverse annotation to trigger a PipelineRun when the specified paths have not changed.

You still need to specify the event type and target branch. If you have a CEL expression the on-path-change-ignore annotation will be ignored.

This PipelineRun will run when there are changes outside the docs folder:

  name: pipeline-not-on-docs-change
  annotations: "[main]" "[pull_request]" "[docs/***]"

Furthermore, you can combine on-path-change and on-path-change-ignore annotations:

  name: pipeline-docs-not-generated
  annotations: "[main]" "[pull_request]" "[docs/***]" "[docs/generated/***]"

This configuration triggers the PipelineRun when there are changes in the docs directory but not in the docs/generated directory.

The on-path-change-ignore annotation will always take precedence over the on-path-change annotation. It means if you have these annotations:

  name: pipelinerun-go-only-no-markdown-or-yaml "[main]" "[pull_request]" "[***.go]" "[***.md, ***.yaml]"

and you have a Pull Request changing the files .tekton/pipelinerun.yaml,, and main.go the PipelineRun will not be triggered since the on-path-change-ignore annotation will ignore the ***.md and ***.yaml files.

Matching a PipelineRun on a Regex in a comment #

Matching PipelineRun on regex in comments is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not currently supported and might not be functionally complete. We do not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to an upcoming Pipelines-as-Code features, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

This feature is supported on the following providers

Git ProviderSupported
GitHub App✅️
GitHub Webhook✅️
Bitbucket Cloud❌️
Bitbucket Server❌️

You can trigger a PipelineRun based on a comment on a Pull Request or a Pushed Commit using the annotation

The comment is treated as a regular expression (regex). The spaces and newlines are stripped at the beginning or the end of the comment before matching so ^ will match the beginning of the comment and $ will match the end of the comment without newlines or space.

If a new comment on a Pull Request matches the specified regex, the PipelineRun will be triggered and started. This only applies to newly created comments; updates or edits to existing comments will not trigger the PipelineRun.


kind: PipelineRun
  name: "merge-pr"
  annotations: "^/merge-pr"

This will trigger the merge-pr PipelineRun when a comment on a pull request starts with /merge-pr.

When a PipelineRun is getting triggered by the on-comment annotation starts, the template variable {{ trigger_comment }} is set. For more details, refer to the documentation.

Note that the on-comment annotation adheres to the pull_request Policy rule. Only users specified in the pull_request policy will be able to trigger the PipelineRun.

The on-comment annotation is supported for pull_request events. For push events, it is only supported when targeting the main branch without arguments.

Matching PipelineRun to a Pull Request labels #

Matching PipelineRun to a Pull-Request label is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not currently supported and might not be functionally complete. We do not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to an upcoming Pipelines-as-Code features, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

This feature is supported on the following providers

Git ProviderSupported
GitHub App✅️
GitHub Webhook✅️
Bitbucket Cloud❌️
Bitbucket Server❌️

Using the annotation, you can match a PipelineRun to a Pull Request label. For example, if you want to match the PipelineRun bugs whenever a Pull Request has the label bug or defect, you can use this annotation:

  name: match-bugs-or-defect
  annotations: [bug, defect]
  • The on-label annotation respects the pull_request Policy rules.

  • This annotation is currently supported only on GitHub, Gitea, and GitLab providers. Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server do not support adding labels to Pull Requests.

  • When you add a label to a Pull Request, the corresponding PipelineRun is triggered immediately, and no other PipelineRun matching the same Pull Request will be activated.

  • If you update the Pull Request by sending a new commit, the PipelineRun with a matching on-label annotation will be triggered again if the label is still present.

  • You can access the Pull Request labels with the dynamic variable {{ pull_request_labels }}. The labels are separated by a Unix newline \n. For example, with a shell script, you can do this to print them:

     for i in $(echo -e "{{ pull_request_labels }}");do
     echo $i

Advanced event matching using CEL #

If you need to do some advanced matching, Pipelines-as-Code supports CEL expressions to do advanced filtering on the specific event you need to be matched.

If you have the annotation in your PipelineRun, the CEL expression will be used and the on-target-branch or on-event annotations will be skipped.

This example will match a pull_request event targeting the branch main coming from a branch called wip: |
    event == "pull_request" && target_branch == "main" && source_branch == "wip"

The fields available are:

eventpush, pull_request or incoming.
target_branchThe branch we are targeting.
source_branchThe branch where this pull_request comes from. (On push, this is the same as target_branch.)
target_urlThe URL of the repository we are targeting.
source_urlThe URL of the repository where this pull_request comes from. (On push, this is the same as target_url.)
event_titleMatches the title of the event. For push, it matches the commit title. For PR, it matches the Pull/Merge Request title. (Only supported for GitHub, Gitlab, and BitbucketCloud providers.)
bodyThe full body as passed by the Git provider. Example: body.pull_request.number retrieves the pull request number on GitHub.
headersThe full set of headers as passed by the Git provider. Example: headers['x-github-event'] retrieves the event type on GitHub.
.pathChangedA suffix function to a string that can be a glob of a path to check if changed. (Supported only for GitHub and Gitlab providers.)
filesThe list of files that changed in the event (all, added, deleted, modified, and renamed). Example: files.all or files.deleted. For pull requests, every file belonging to the pull request will be listed.

CEL expressions let you do more complex filtering compared to the simple on-target annotation matching and enable more advanced scenarios.

For example, if I want to have a PipelineRun targeting a pull_request but not the experimental branch you could have: |
    event == "pull_request" && target_branch != experimental"

You can find more information about the CEL language spec here:

Matching a PipelineRun to a branch with a regex #

In a CEL expression, you can match a field name using a regular expression. For example, if you want to trigger a PipelineRun for thepull_request event and the source_branch name containing the substring feat/. you can use the following expression: |
    event == "pull_request" && source_branch.matches(".*feat/.*")

Matching PipelineRun by path change #

NOTE: Pipelines-as-Code supports two ways to match files changed in a particular event. The .pathChanged suffix function supports glob pattern and does not support different types of “changes” i.e. added, modified, deleted and so on. The other option is to use the files. property (files.all, files.added, files.deleted, files.modified, files.renamed) which can target specific types of changed files and supports using CEL expressions i.e. files.all.exists(x, x.matches('renamed.go')).

If you want to have a PipelineRun running only if a path has changed you can use the .pathChanged suffix function with a glob pattern. Here is a concrete example matching every markdown file (as files that have the .md suffix) in the docs directory: |
    event == "pull_request" && "docs/*.md".pathChanged()

This example will match any changed file (added, modified, removed, or renamed) that was in the tmp directory: |
            files.all.exists(x, x.matches('tmp/'))

This example will match any added file that was in the src or pkg directory: |
            files.added.exists(x, x.matches('src/|pkg/'))

This example will match modified files with the name of test.go: |
            files.modified.exists(x, x.matches('test.go'))

Matching PipelineRun to an event (commit, pull_request) title #

This example will match all pull requests starting with the title [DOWNSTREAM]: |
    event == "pull_request && event_title.startsWith("[DOWNSTREAM]")

The event title will be the pull request title on pull_request and the commit title on push.

Matching PipelineRun on body payload #

Matching PipelineRun on body payload is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not currently supported and might not be functionally complete. We do not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to an upcoming Pipelines-as-Code features, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

The payload body as passed by the Git provider is available in the CEL variable as body and you can use this expression to do any filtering on anything the Git provider is sending over:

For example, this expression when run on GitHub: |
  body.pull_request.base.ref == "main" &&
    body.pull_request.user.login == "superuser" &&
    body.action == "synchronize"  

will only match if the pull request is targeting the main branch, the author of the pull request is called superuser and the action is synchronize (i.e.: an update occurred on a pull request).

When matching the body payload in a Pull Request, the GitOps comments such as /retest won’t be working as expected.

The payload body will become of the comment and not the original pull request payload.

Consequently, when a pull request event occurs, like opening or updating a pull request, the CEL body payload may not align with the defined specifications.

To be able to retest your Pull Request when using a CEL on body payload, you can make a dummy update to the Pull Request by sending a new SHA with this git command:

# assuming you are on the branch you want to retest
# and the upstream remote are set
git commit --amend --no-edit && \
  git push --force-with-lease

or close/open the pull request.

Matching a PipelineRun to a request header #

You can do some further filtering on the headers as passed by the Git provider with the CEL variable headers.

The headers are available as a list and are always in lower case.

For example, this is how to make sure the event is a pull_request on GitHub: |
    headers['x-github-event'] == "pull_request"

Matching a PipelineRun to a branch with a comma #

If you want to match multiple branches but one branch has a comma in there you will not be able to match it. In that case, you can use the HTML escape entity , as a comma in the name of the branch, for example, if you want to match main and the branch called release,nightly you can do this: [main, release,nightly]
Calendar February 14, 2025
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