GitHub Apps

Create a Pipelines-as-Code GitHub App #

The GitHub App install is different from the other install methods since it acts as the integration point with OpenShift Pipelines and brings the Git workflow into Tekton pipelines. You only need one GitHub App for every user on the cluster usually setup by the admin.

You need the webhook of the GitHub App to point to your Pipelines-as-Code Controller route or ingress endpoint which would listen to GitHub events.

There are 2 ways to set up GitHub App:

Setup using tkn pac cli #

You could use tkn pac bootstrap command which will a create GitHub App, provides steps to configure it with your Git repository and also creates required secrets. After creating the GitHub App, you must install it on the repositories you want to use for Pipelines-as-Code.

Alternatively, you could set up manually by following the steps here

Manual SetUp #

  • Go to (or Settings > Developer settings > GitHub Apps) and click on New GitHub App button

  • Provide the following info in the GitHub App form

    • GitHub Application Name: OpenShift Pipelines
    • Homepage URL: [OpenShift Console URL]
    • Webhook URL: [the Pipelines-as-Code route or ingress URL as copied in the previous section]
    • Webhook secret: [an arbitrary secret, you can generate one with head -c 30 /dev/random | base64]
  • Select the following repository permissions:

    • Checks: Read & Write
    • Contents: Read & Write
    • Issues: Read & Write
    • Metadata: Readonly
    • Pull request: Read & Write
  • Select the following organization permissions:

    • Members: Readonly
    • Plan: Readonly
  • Subscribe to following events:

    • Check run
    • Check suite
    • Issue comment
    • Commit comment
    • Pull request
    • Push

You can see a screenshot of how the GitHub App permissions look like here

  • Click on Create GitHub App.

  • Take note of the App ID at the top of the page on the detail’s page of the GitHub App you just created.

  • In Private keys section, click on *Generate Private key to generate a private key for the GitHub app. It will download automatically. Store the private key in a safe place as you need it in the next section and in future when reconfiguring this app to use a different cluster.

Configure Pipelines-as-Code on your cluster to access the GitHub App #

In order for Pipelines-as-Code to be able to authenticate to the GitHub App and have the GitHub App securely trigger the Pipelines-as-Code webhook, you need to create a Kubernetes secret containing the private key of the GitHub App and the webhook secret of the Pipelines-as-Code as it was provided when you created the GitHub App in the previous section. This secret is used to generate a token on behalf of the user running the event and validating the webhook through the webhook secret.

Run the following command and replace:

  • APP_ID with the GitHub App App ID copied in the previous section
  • WEBHOOK_SECRET with the webhook secret provided when created the GitHub App in the previous section
  • PATH_PRIVATE_KEY with the path to the private key that was downloaded in the previous section
kubectl -n pipelines-as-code create secret generic pipelines-as-code-secret \
        --from-literal github-private-key="$(cat $PATH_PRIVATE_KEY)" \
        --from-literal github-application-id="APP_ID" \
        --from-literal webhook.secret="WEBHOOK_SECRET"

Lastly, install the App on any repos you’d like to use with Pipelines-as-Code.

GitHub Enterprise #

Pipelines-as-Code supports GitHub Enterprise.

You don’t need to do anything special to get Pipelines as code working with GHE. Pipelines as code automatically detect the header as set from GHE and use the GHE API auth URL rather than the public GitHub.

Calendar January 21, 2025
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