Manual Installation

Installation #

Operator Install #

Follow Operator Installation to install Pipelines As Code on OpenShift.

Manual Install #

Prerequisite #

Before installing Pipelines As Code, please verify tektoncd/pipeline is installed. You can install the latest released version using the following command

  kubectl apply --filename
If you are not installing the most recent version, ensure that you have Tekton Pipeline installed and running at a version that is higher than v0.44.0.

If you want to do a manual installation of the stable release of Pipelines-as-Code on your OpenShift cluster you can apply the template with kubectl :

# OpenShift
kubectl patch tektonconfig config --type="merge" -p '{"spec": {"platforms": {"openshift":{"pipelinesAsCode": {"enable": false}}}}}'
kubectl apply -f

# Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f

If you want to install the current development version you can simply install it like this :

# OpenShift
kubectl apply -f

# Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f

This will apply the release.yaml to your OpenShift cluster, creating the admin namespace pipelines-as-code, the roles and all other bits needed.

The pipelines-as-code namespace is where the Pipelines-as-Code infrastructure runs and is supposed to be accessible only by the admins.

OpenShift #

On OpenShift the Route URL for the Pipelines-as-Code Controller is automatically created when you apply the release.yaml. You will need to reference this URL when configuring your GitHub provider.

You can run this command to get the route created on your cluster:

echo https://$(oc get route -n pipelines-as-code pipelines-as-code-controller -o jsonpath='{}')

Kubernetes #

Kubernetes installation is a bit more involved head over here for more details.


Non system:admin users needs to be allowed explicitly to create repositories CRD in their namespace

To allow them you need to create a RoleBinding on the namespace to the openshift-pipeline-as-code-clusterrole.

For example assuming we want user being able to create repository CRD in the namespace user-ci, if we use the openshift oc cli :

oc adm policy add-role-to-user openshift-pipeline-as-code-clusterrole user -n user-ci

or through kubectl applying this YAML :

kind: RoleBinding
  name: openshift-pipeline-as-code-clusterrole
  namespace: user-ci
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: openshift-pipeline-as-code-clusterrole
- apiGroup:
  kind: User
  name: user


Pipelines-as-Code provide a CLI which is designed to work as tkn plug-in. To install the plug-in follow the instruction from the CLI documentation.

Controller TLS Setup #

Pipelines As Code Controller now support both HTTP and HTTPS. Usually, you configure the TLS directly on the ingress/Route pointing to the controller. If you want to configure the TLS directly on the controller you can do so by following this guide.

First, create a secret which includes those certificates

  kubectl create secret generic -n pipelines-as-code pipelines-as-code-tls-secret \
    --from-file=cert=/path/to/crt/file \

You can now restart the pipelines-as-code-controller pod in pipelines-as-code namespace and by the time the controller will be restarted it will use the tls secrets.


  • It is required to create the secret named pipelines-as-code-tls-secret, or you will have to update the secret name in controller deployment.
  • If you have different keys in your secret other than cert and key, you will need to update controller deployment envs and subsequently apply this changes on upgrade (for example through kustomize or other methods)

You can use following command to update the envs on the controller

  kubectl set env deployment pipelines-as-code-controller -n pipelines-as-code TLS_KEY=<key> TLS_CERT=<cert>

Proxy service for PAC controller #

Pipelines-as-Code requires an externally accessible URL to receive events from Git providers. If you’re developing locally (such as on kind or Minikube) or don’t want to set up an ingress on your cluster, you can also use a proxy service to expose the pipelines-as-code-controller service and allow it to receive events.

Proxying with #

To handle such scenario for minikube/kind cluster let’s use

  • Generate your own URL by going to
  • Copy Webhook Proxy URL
  • Add Webhook Proxy URL URL in container args of deployment.yaml.

ex: '<replace Webhook Proxy URL>' -> ''

kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
  name: gosmee-client
  replicas: 1
      app: gosmee-client
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: gosmee-client
        - name: gosmee-client
          image: ''
            - '<replace Webhook Proxy URL>'
            - $(SVC)
            - name: SVC
              value: >-
      restartPolicy: Always
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: 25%
      maxSurge: 25%
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
  • Execute
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml -n pipelines-as-code
  • Use Webhook Proxy URL to configure in GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket.

Basically use Webhook Proxy URL in all the places wherever pipelines-as-code-controller service URL used.

Calendar January 21, 2025
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