Private Repositories

Private repositories #

Pipelines-as-Code allows the use of private repositories by creating or updating a secret in the target namespace. This secret contains the user token required for the git-clone task to clone private repositories.

Whenever Pipelines-as-Code creates a new PipelineRun in the target namespace, it also creates a secret with a specific name format:


This secret contains a Git Config file named .gitconfig and a Git credentials file named .git-credentials. These files configure the base HTTPS URL of the git provider (such as using the token obtained from the GitHub application or from a secret attached to the repository CR on git provider when using the webhook method.

The secret includes a key referencing the token as a key to let you easily use it in your task for other provider operations.

See the documentation with example on how to use it here

The secret has a ownerRef field to the created PipelineRun. This means the secret will be auto deleted when you delete the PipelineRun it references to.

To disable this behavior, you can configure the secret-auto-create setting in the Pipelines-as-Code Configmap. You can set it to either false or true depending on your requirements.

Using the generated token in your PipelineRun #

The git-clone task documentation, which is available at, states that the secret needs to be referred to as a workspace named “basic-auth” inside your PipelineRun so that it can be passed to the git-clone task.

To achieve this, you can add the workspace referencing the secret in your PipelineRun. For instance, you can include the following code in your PipelineRun to reference the Secret:

  - name: basic-auth
      secretName: "{{ git_auth_secret }}"

Once you have added the workspace referencing the secret in your PipelineRun as described earlier, you can then pass the git-clone task to reuse it inside your Pipeline or embedded PipelineRun. This is typically achieved by including the git-clone task as a step in your Pipeline or embedded PipelineRun, and specifying the workspace name as “basic-auth” in the task definition. Here’s an example of how you could pass the git-clone task to reuse the secret in your Pipeline:

  - name basic-auth
    - name: repo_url
    - name: revision
    - name: basic-auth
      workspace: basic-auth
  - name: git-clone-from-catalog
        name: git-clone
        - name: url
          value: $(params.repo_url)
        - name: revision
          value: $(params.revision)
  • A full example is available here

Fetching remote tasks from private repositories #

See the resolver documentation for more details.

Calendar January 21, 2025
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